General Education Courses
EH 105College Writing3
HE 111The Husson Experience ***1
PY 111General Psychology3
PY 141Human Growth and Development3
PY 442Seminar in Psychology3
Bridge Elective (or Open Elective)3
Fine Arts Elective3
Foreign Culture and Conversation Elective (or Open Elective)3
Historical Elective3
Humanities Elective3
Lab Science Elective3-4
Literature Elective3
Math I Elective4
Math II Elective3
Perspectives Electives6
Philosophical Elective3
Sustainability Elective (or Open Elective)3
Major Courses
MH 200Community Integration and Inclusion (or Open Elective)3
MH 201Policy Knowledge (or Open Elective)3
MH 202Mind-Body Connection (or Open Elective)3
MH 203Vocational Support (or Open Elective)3
PY 113Ethics and Professional Conduct ( or Psychology Elective)3
PY 231Social Psychology3
PY 242Research Methods3
PY 322Cultural Competency (or Psychology Elective)3
PY 335Behavioral, Psychological, and Rehabilitation Intervention Models (or Psychology Elective)3
PY 447Trauma and Resiliency (or Psychology Elective)3
PY 491Field Placement3
Psychology Electives12
Open Elective12
Graduate Courses
CO 700Orientation to the Professions of Counseling 3
CO 702Human Growth and Development3
CO 703Research and Program Evaluation3
CO 704Social and Cultural Diversity3
CO 705Theories of Counseling3
CO 710Counseling Techniques3
CO 711Legal, Ethical and Professional Issues in Counseling3
CO 712Group Process3
CO 715Advanced Counseling Techniques3
CO 721Assessment in Counseling3
CO 722Career Development and Counseling3
CO 723Counseling Young Children and Adolescents3
CO 801Marriage and Family Counseling3
CO 805Addictions Counseling: Treatment and Contemporary Issues3
CO 827Crisis Intervention3
CO 846Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Planning 3
CO 890Practicum3
CO 891Clinical Counseling Internship I1
CO 892Clinical Counseling Internship II1
CO 893Clinical Counseling Internship III1
CO 894Clinical Counseling Internship IV1
CO 895Clinical Counseling Internship V1
CO 896Clinical Counseling Internship VI1
CO 897Clinical Counseling Internship VII1
CO 898Clinical Counseling Internship VIII1
CO 900Clinical Counseling Internship IX1
Graduate Elective3
Total Hours173-174
First Year
EH 1053PY 113 (or Psychology Elective)3 
HE 111***1PY 1413 
PY 1113Foreign Culture and Conversation Elective (or Open Elective)3 
Math I Elective4Lab Science Elective3-4 
Philosophical Elective3Math II Elective3 
Open Elective3  
 17 15-16
Second Year
MH 200 (OR Open Elective)3MH 201 (OR Open Elective)3 
PY 2313Humanities Elective3 
PY 2423Perspectives Elective3 
Historical Elective3Psychology Elective3 
Literature Elective3Open Elective3 
 15 15
Third Year
MH 202 (OR Open Elective)3MH 203 (OR Open Elective)3 
PY 322 (OR Psychology Elective)3PY 335 (OR Psychology Elective)3 
Psychology Elective3Bridge Elective OR Open Elective3 
Sustainability Elective OR Open Elective3Fine Arts Elective3 
Open Elective3Psychology Elective3 
 15 15
Fourth Year
CO 7003CO 7043CO 7213
CO 7023CO 7223Graduate Elective3
PY 4423PY 4913 
PY 447 (OR Psychology Elective)3Psychology Elective3 
Perspectives Elective3Open Elective3 
 15 15 6
Fifth Year
CO 7103CO 7033CO 8013
CO 7113CO 7053CO 8053
CO 7123CO 7153 
 9 9 6
Sixth Year
CO 8273CO 7233CO 8971
CO 8463CO 8911CO 8981
CO 8903CO 8921CO 9001
 CO 8931 
 CO 8941 
 CO 8951 
 CO 8961 
 9 9 3
Total Hours: 173-174

May not be required for degree completion.